Thursday 30 June 2011

How to get IP address of another computer remotely

Hello friends, today i will explain you how to get IP address of any computer remotely. Using some very basic tricks we can find the IP address of any remote computer and then you can start your further hacking into the remote system like port scanning and finding vulnerabilities to enter in to the system and hack it. There are several methods to get an IP address of the victim but i will share few and specially the best one's that can tell you IP address in just few clicks and also all are free methods and special thing is about it is all are manual methods that means you did not require any tool.
how to find ip address of another computer remotely

How to find or get Ip address of somebody else remotely

4 ways to get the IP address of the Victim or another Computer:
1. Using PHP notification Script
2. Using Blogs and Websites
3. Using Read Notify service
4. Sniffing during Gmail and yahoo chat  sessions

As we are here to learn concepts so i will first explain what is an IP address and what's its importance. So friends very basic question What is an IP address? Why its important for hackers and security professionals?

What is an IP address? 
Basically IP address (Internet Protocol address) is a unique numerical value that is assigned to any computer or printer on a computer network that uses an internet protocol for communication purpose. Protocol is basically rules( for Network its rules for communication). 
IP address serves for two basic purposes:
1. Host or network interface identification
2. Location Addressing

For exploring more about IP addressing read on wikipedia.

How to Find IP address of another computer?

1. Using PHP notification Script
Using this Notification script you can get the IP address in just seconds. Steps of using this PHP script:
a. Download the PHP notify script and extract files.
b. Now you will get two files IP.html and index.php . You need to upload these two files to any free web hosting server.
Example: i used to upload these two files. Create an account there and upload these two files there as shown below.
c. Now you will need to send the link of index.php to the victim whose password you want to get. to get the link click on index.php shown in above snapshot. Now a new window will open copy the link in the address bar and send to the victim whose IP address you want.
d. Now when the victim opens the above link nothing will open but his Ip address is written into the ip.html file. So open the ip.html file to get his IP address.
e. That's all this method... I hope you liked it.

2. Using Blogs and Websites
This method is for those who have their blogs or websites. Normal users can also do this as blog is free to make. Make a new blog and use any stats service like histats or any other stats widget. Just add a new widget and put histats code there and save template. And send the link of your blog to your friend and get his IP.
That's only.

3. Using Read Notify service
This is an email based service. Steps to use Read Notify service:
a. First open the Read Notify website : RCPT
b. Now register on this website and then it will send you confirmation mail. Verify your account.
c. Once your account is activated. 
Do the following steps use this service:

  1. Compose your email just like you usually would in your own email or web email program
  2. Type:   on the end of your recipients email address (don't worry, that gets removed before your recipients receive the email). Like this:  
  3. Send your email
Some things to remember: 
  • don't send to and from the same computer
  • if your email program 'auto-completes' email addresses from your address book, you'll need to keep typing over the top of the auto-completed one to add the
  • if you are cc-ing your email to other readers, you must add tracking to all of them 

4.  Sniffing Yahoo and Gmail Chat sessions
With the help of Sniffers like ethereal, wireshark etc we can sniff the Gmail, and yahoo chat sessions while we are chatiing to any our friend and extract the IP address from there. I will explain this trick in detail in my next article as its a long article in itself.

5. Bonus Method for Online Gamers
We can also get the IP address from online games like counter strike, age of empires in Game ranger etc.. Many counter strike servers use amx mode. Just view which people are connecting and whats their IP addess as plugins show the IP address of people connecting to the game server.  If you have more access to counter strike server you can use status command in console. Just go to console and type "status"(without quotes) and press enter there you can see all players details his steam ID and much more depending upon server.

Now you have IP address but what you can do with an IP address. Ahhaah everything, that i will explain in my next article.

Monday 27 June 2011

Hackers target Brazilian statistics agency

(Reuters) - Hackers broke into the website of Brazil's statistics agency on Friday, the latest in a series of attacks on the South American nation's government sites.

The incident comes in the midst of a wave of high-profile Internet attacks on targets ranging from U.S.-based banking group Citigroup Inc to the U.S. Senate that have spurred global concerns about cyber security.
Brazil's statistics agency, known as IBGE, took its website offline for close to five hours following the attack, in which hackers replaced the opening page of the site with a notice with a human eye in the colors of the Brazilian flag.
IBGE said the hackers did not gain access to its research databases.
"This month, the government will see the biggest number of virtual attacks in its history by Fail Shell. These attacks are as a protest by a nationalist group that wants to make Brazil better," the notice read. The note was signed "FIREH4CK3R."
Several Brazilian government sites have been attacked this week, including the presidency, the sports ministry and the tax collection agency.
Brazil's culture ministry said on Friday it blocked what appeared to a hacker attempt to take down its site.
Advisors for the president of Brazil's Chamber of Deputies, Marco Maia, said his Twitter account was briefly hacked.
Separately, the hacking group known as LulzSecBrazil, linked to the Lulz Security group of hackers, on Thursday released via Twitter what it called personal data on President Dilma Rousseff and Sao Paulo Mayor Gilberto Kassab.
LulzSecBrazil also released personal information including identification numbers and bank details of employees of state-controlled oil company Petrobras, the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper reported on its website on Friday.
The group had taken that information from Petrobras computers, Folha said.
Petrobras in a statement denied that the information referenced by Folha had been obtained by hackers, adding that it was investigating the source of the information.
"There was no breach of the internal network or of the company's site," Petrobras said.
The IBGE hackers took a shot at LulzSec, saying on the site's replaced opening page: "There's no room for groups without an ideology such as LulzSec or Anonymous in Brazil."
LulzSec has made widely publicized assaults on Sony Corp, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, News Corp's Fox TV and other targets. The attacks have mostly resulted in temporary disruptions to websites and the release of user credentials.
LulzSec said on Monday in a Twitter message that it was seeking to hack government websites to leak "classified government information.

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Free Paypal "buy now "

 This is a Simple bit of JavaScript that can bypass payments, the site's need to be sites like these: 

javascript:top.location=document.getElementsByName('return')[0].value; javascript:void(0);

Hope this really help's you and you save a bit off $ $

Another tip:

To find these site's Google - "this order button requires a javascript enabled browser"

Type that in the "quotes" into google.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Libyan Satellite TV Website Hacked by Ktkoti and Most of Libyan media sites down !

Libyan Satellite TV Website Hacked by Ktkoti and Most of Libyan media sites down !

The web site of the Libyan Revolutionary Committees Movement's newspaper Al-Zahaf Al-Akhdar (The Green March) is also offline, as is New Libya TV.

A radio station set up and apparently owned by Sayf-al-Islam al-Qaddafi, is offline, and the Libyan satellite channel's web site has been defaced, and its Facebook page taken over. another domain for Sayf's media empire is also offline.

Sayf-al-Islam's Charity Foundation, which has changed its domain name also at least 3 times and failed to build any audience, the latest listed as being is also offline, and the Twitter and Facebook accounts of Sayf-al-Islam al-Qaddafi have also been taken over.

Many other Libyan web sites are "off air" having been removed either by threats against providers, defections, or various incompetence.

All the sites lack technical abilities in terms of security, with the take-overs conducted with ease, using simple methods such as plain-text interception and false pages where passwords are entered, as well as straight forward hacking of personal computers, which mostly use windows.

Mathaba, online since 1999, has not been hacked once in 11 years, as it runs on secure web servers and with advanced technical know-how.

Like all sites, a large-scale "denial of service" attack will render a site inaccessible, and although subjected to some "DoS attacks" in the past, we have more reliable defences in place.

Thursday 16 June 2011

LulzSec Leaks 62,000 Email/passworks of

LulzSec Leaks 62,000 Email/passworks of

LulzSec Leaks 62,000 Email/Password Combo Internet Goodie Bag. Lulz hasn't said where they got the data,
Even they are not sure that, these logins are from which site. They tweet the download link as shown:

According to Mikko H. Hypponen ,CRO of F-secure-"The list of 62,000 email/passwords just released by @LulzSec is probably the user database of Well, the most common passwords include these: mystery, bookworm, reader, romance, library, booklover and..writerspace. So basically that's why I believe the latest Lulzsec password leak originates from I'm guessing it's guessing it's their user database"